Next Gen Phenolic
Resin Balls
Better quality, better service, better pricing!
- Extremely smooth surface which makes sure chalk and other contaminants can be easily removed, without leaving any “shadowing” of the contaminants, which is typical for other Phenolic resin Balls.
- Less “bad contacts” or “Buttages”.
- Very strict tolerances, which are the most stringent in the billiards industry.
- Whereas other brands charge extra for selected sets with minimal weight-differences, we at Dyna|spheres™ feel this should be “standard issue”; the maximum weight – deviation within 1 set is 1,5 gram/ball over our complete range.
- Belgian Design, Belgian Quality Control, Belgian Distribution, Belgian Customer Service!

Torbjörn Blomdahl 7x 3-Cushion World Champion

Florian "Venom" KohlerTrickshot Artist

Thorsten Hohmann 3x Pool world champion

Eddy Merckx 2x 3-Cushion World Champion

Vinh Bao 3-Cushion World Champion

Zhongyao Wang Referee

Martin HornWinner of 3C World Cups

Cha Yu-Ramgold medals at Asian Games

Nikos PolychronopoulosEuropean Junior 3C Champion

Yu-Wen HsiehProfessional pool player

Dave ChristianiEuropean Champion Carom Classic

Richard Bitalis11x French 3C champion

Murat TuzulProfessional 3C player

Zhou LongProfessional heyball player

Julian SerradillaProfessional pool player
Next Gen Phenolic Resin Balls
Whereas other brands charge extra for selected sets with minimal weight-differences, we at Dynaspheres feel this should be “standard issue”; the maximum weight – deviation within 1 set is 1,0 gram/ball over our complete range.